- Recursos visuales
· Pizarra
· Realia
· Flashcards
· Posters
- Recursos audiovisuales
· Radiocassette
· Reproductor de DVD
· Archivos MP3
· Podcasts
· Videos
- Retroproyector
- Powerpoint
- Laboratorio de idiomas
- Internet
· Do’s and don’t when using the blackboard
· Write clearly and large enough for students to see
· Talk into the blackboard
· Write and talk simultaneously
· Spend too much writing
· Move aside after writing something so that students can see it
· Obstruct students’ view of the blackboard
•Pizarra digital
•The Internet and TEFL (questions for group discussion)
1. Which are the main advantages stemming from the appearance of the Internet as
an education tool?
2. Can you see any disadvantage?
3. Which materials can a teacher of English as a foreign language find on the Internet?
· Advantages of the Internet
· Democratisation of learning
· More accessible language
· Disadavantages of the Internet
· A computer and Internet access is necessary
· Mostly for beginners
•Evaluating web resources
1) Is it clear who has written the information? Who is the author? Is it an organisation or an
individual person? Is there a way to contact them?
2) Are the aims of the site clear? What are the aims of the site? What is it for? Who is it
3) Does the site achieve its aims? Does the site do what it says it will?
4) Is the site relevant to me? List four things to find out from the site
5) Can the information be checked? Has anyone else said the same thing anywhere else? Is there any way of checking this out? If the information is new, is there any proof?
6) When was the site produced? Is it up to date? Can you check if the information is up to date and not just the site?
7) Is the information biased in any way?Has the site got a particular reason for wanting you to think in a particular way? Is it a balanced view or does it only give one opinion?
8) Does the site tell you about choices open to you? Does the site give you advice? Does it tell you about other ideas?
•Searching on the Internet (refining methods)
•Put quotation marks around words that go together. For example: “rock and roll”.
This will give you sites about dancing. If you do not use quotation marks you will get all the results
for rock and for roll separately.
•Use lower case letters.For example: education. If you type in capital letters, it will only bring you sites that match your spelling exactly. Use lower case letters and you will get more sites.
•Use the +(plus) sign before each word in your search. For example: +australia + river.
This will give you sites about rivers in Australia and not in other parts of the world. If you use + signs, you
will get fewer sites, but they will be more useful.
will get fewer sites, but they will be more useful.
•Use the – (minus) sign to get rid of information. For example: + fruit + juice – cordial.
This will give you sites about fruit juice but not cordial. Use minus signs and you will not get unwanted
•Use + (plus), - (minus) and quotation marks at the same time. For example, “+fruit juice” –cordial.
If you put quotation marks around words that go together, the search engine will only look
for sites that have these words next to each other.This will help you find the sites that you
really want: fruit juice, but not cordial.
•Use* for more spelling options. For example, colo*r will find colour and color. Use child* to find everything beginning with this word. For example, children, childhood, chlidlike, childish, children’s, etc.
•TEFL materials the Internet can offer the teacher
1. Web based resources for EFL teacher planning
Authentic materials (newspapers, magazines, radio, etc.)
Content information(lesson ideas, didactic units, educational theory, activities, dictionaries, etc.)
2. Self-study material
3.Communication for students and teachers (ePals, ask an expert, forums, etc.)
4. Online publishing for students and teachers (blogs, wikis, electronic portfolios, etc.)
•Tipología de actividades
– Historias
– Juegos
– Actividades psicomotrices (TPR)
– Canciones y rimas
– Vídeos
– Escuchas
– Role plays
SILLY TEACHER: Teacher puts a flashcard on their head (without looking first!)
and asks ‘Is it a ---? Continue until the answer is “yes”.
A child goes out of the room and the teacher hides anobject or flashcard. The children
returns and has to find it. The other children say the word quietly when the ‘hunter’ is
far and loudly when he or she gets closer.
Children make domino cards according to the vocabulary are the teacher has been
working on. They take turns to complete the domino, but have to name the two items they
have put (or the whole sequence). If they meake a mistake, they have to keep their card.
SLAP: Two children sit on the floor with flashcards around them. Teacher says a word
and the children have to be the first to slap the named flashcard.
•Tipología de juegos
•Receptivos todo el grupo juntos
•Receptivos individuales
•Productivos todo el grupo juntos
•Productivos individuales
•Tipología de rutinas en la clase
•La llegada
•La asamblea
•Los juegos
•Trabajo en los pupitres
•La hora de recoger
•La fila
•Ir al baño y lavarse las manos
•El recreo y el bocadillo
•La comida
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